Liters IS volume - there is nothing to convert.
To convert gallons to liters, you can use the conversion factor that 1 gallon is approximately equal to 3.78541 liters. Therefore, for a barrel of oil containing 42.0 gallons, the equivalent volume in liters would be 42.0 gallons * 3.78541 liters/gallon ≈ 158.99 liters. If 1 liter is equal to 1.06 quarts, then you can also convert the volume from liters to quarts by multiplying 158.99 liters * 1.06 qt/L ≈ 168.52 quarts.
First convert quart into liters (multiply by 1.1365), then convert liters into milliters (multiply by 568.26)
No, 4 quarts and 4 liters are not the same. A quart is a unit of volume in the US customary system, equal to 32 fluid ounces or about 0.95 liters. Therefore, 4 quarts is approximately equal to 3.8 liters. So, 4 quarts and 4 liters are not equivalent in volume.
1.5L = 50.7 oz 1 Liter equals 33.8 fl. oz. ( 1 qt = 32 fl.oz.) To convert quarts to liters, multiply quarts by .946. To convert liters to quarts, multiply liters by 1.056. Reference: 1.5L = 50.7 oz 1 Liter equals 33.8 fl. oz. ( 1 qt = 32 fl.oz.) To convert quarts to liters, multiply quarts by .946. To convert liters to quarts, multiply liters by 1.056. Reference:
Conversion formula: liters x 1.0566 = US quarts
1 Quart= 0.94 Liter
Millimeters is a measure of length; liters is a measure of volume. You can't convert between the two.Millimeters is a measure of length; liters is a measure of volume. You can't convert between the two.Millimeters is a measure of length; liters is a measure of volume. You can't convert between the two.Millimeters is a measure of length; liters is a measure of volume. You can't convert between the two.
Quarts, liters, bushels.
You don't. Millimeters is a length, liters is a volume.
To convert millimeters to liters, you first need to know the volume of the container you are measuring. Once you have the volume in millimeters cubed, you can divide it by 1,000,000 to convert to liters, because 1 liter is equal to 1,000,000 mm^3.
A liter is the basic unit of volume in the metric system equal to 1.057 quarts1.057 Imperial quarts = .946 liters 1.057 US quarts = 1.000 liters