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v can concatenate two string by using a function like: select CONCAT( CONCAT('ename','e_mrks'),"name","marks" from student;

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Q: How do you concatenate a string?
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a write the algorithm to concatenate two given string

What to do with two peaces of normal string?

Whatever you want. Concatenate them, for example.

Does the CONCATENATE function in Excel require a text argument?

Normally yes, but it will actually take numbers and combine them into a text string.

How do you convert an integer to a string?

That really depends on the programming language. In Java, it is sufficient to concatenate it with a String: int myNumber = 5; result = "" + myNumber; Other languages may require a special function, or method, to convert from integer to string.

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Language dependent. In C, for example, there no string as such, but you can use function strcat to concatenate zero-terminated character-sequences.

How do you concatenate char with int column in sql?

In MS SQL, you can use the char() operator on the column. For example: select 'some string content ' + char(integer_field) from my_table

How do you use the Scanner class to store two words or more in a String variable then the next input in another String variable in java?

Scanner scan = new Scanner("[input method]"); // input method could they key board //( or a String String one = +; // get the first 2 words and concatenate String two =; // the remaining word

C program to concatenate two strings?

#include#includevoid main(){char a[30],b[30];clrscr();printf("Enter the string a:");gets(a);printf("Enter the string b:");gets(b);printf("%s",strcat(a,b));getch();}

What is concatetion operation used in java?

"+" is the concatenation operator in Java. It can be used to concatenate two strings. Ex: String firstName = "John"; String lastName = "Morrison"; System.out.println(firstName + " " + lastName); The above code snippet would display John Morrison in the console.

Diff between string and array?

String and array are not related to one another so they have many differences. a. A string is used to hold alpha numeric values inside it b. An Array is used to hold multiple values of any primitive data type c. A String has operations like equals, concatenate, substring etc whereas an array does not have them d. You can iterate through an array but we cannot iterate through a string.

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What is concatenate key in a relational database?

The concatenate key is simply the combination of several columns in a table, which serves the unique key of that table.