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If you mean on the command line, then the command is:


Of course, if your encoding's been messed up, you can also clear up this little problem with the command:


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15y ago

Type ^L (which means CTRL+L).

Some sources say you can use the command "clear", but that did not work for my Cygwin installation.

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With the clear command.

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Q: How do you clear the Linux terminal screen?
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What Linux command blanks the screen?

clear clears the screen.

In Linux platform which c function is used to clear a screen?

use system("clear"); eg: main() { system("clear"); }

What is echo cat in Linux?

Any word typed in a terminal after echo is printed to the screen. Therefore, echo cat simply prints cat.

What is the command to clear the command window screen?

In a windows command prompt the command is "cls" (no quotes) and in Linux and Mac OS X terminal the command in "clear" (again no quotes) though you will notice that in the Terminal program (under X windows or Mac OS X) the clear command doesn't do anything except make space and scroll down so you can't see what has been done recently but that history is still available by scrolling up...

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Pressing Ctrl and Alt, and a function key, f2 to f6, will open a virtual terminal screen. Log in with user name and password to use the terminal. Pressing Ctrl + Alt and f7 will let you leave the virtual screen and return to the desktop screen. F1 is usually reserved as a help screen.

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Where do you execute command on Linux?

From the terminal to access the terminal go to system tools or type terminal in the search field.

What is user interface called after you log into a terminal in Linux?

A terminal is a Command Line Interface (CLI).

How is a usb flash drive referenced in Linux?

you can find all the usb attached to linux by lsusbcommand in terminal !

What does LTSP mean?

Linux Terminal Server Project

What is stty in Linux?

stty - change and print terminal line settings Type "man stty" in a terminal for the manual page for stty. Or search Google with "stty in linux" for more info.

Which Linux command is equivalent to Windows' MD command?

In a Linux terminal, the command to create a new directory is: mkdir .