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As in turn it off, or change when sleep turns on?

Right click desktop > Personalize > Screen Saver > Change power settings

You can set how long before your computer goes to sleep, or turn it off altogether.

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Q: How do you change the sleep mode on your computer?
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Should computer be in sleep mode or hibernate mode in order for security system to scan?

Sleep mode.

Does email download when a computer is in sleep mode?

No. Sleep mode is a low power standby mode. No processes are taking place while in sleep mode.

Whats the difference in the sleep mode and shutting the computer down Does the sleep mode still cause wear and tear of the components inside the computer?

It takes less time to resume computer from sleep mode then to boot it up. When you senf our computer in the sleep mode you can keep your programs open, and after you resume the system you have all your programs already running.

How do you know if your computer is in sleep mode?

You know that your computer is in sleep mode when the screen is dark and all you see is your screen saver. There will not be any sounds coming from the computer either.

When in sleep mode can your security access the computer to run sweeps etc?

When a computer is in Sleep mode, the programs are ready to run again but do not actually run. Therefore scans cannot be done in Sleep mode with conventional Antivirus software.

Does skype go offline when a computer is in sleep mode?


How does sleep mode work?

Sleep mode is an energy-saving mode of operation in which all unnecessary components are terminated. Many battery-operated devices, such as notebook computers, support a sleep mode. When a notebook computer goes into sleep mode, it shuts down the display screen and disk drive. Once awakened, the computer returns to its former operating status.

How many people leave there computer on sleep mode?


How do you keep computer in sleep mode?

by not touching the

Will downloads stop during sleep mode?

when the system is on sleep, it pauses the download. because the sleep mode is for saving resources like power. so all the stuff goes to suspend mode. the system must be in running mode for downloading. For laptop you can change the setting which says that do not put laptop on sleep when lid is closed.

Can you receive updates while computer is in sleep mode?

No, but when the computer is turned on it will give you an annoucement that the computer can be updated

How do you turn off the sleep mode in Hp L 1902?

To turn sleep mode off, or awake an computer, a person can usually touch any button or move the mouse. If it is stuck in sleep mode a person can remove the battery for a few seconds, replace it and turn the computer back on.