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Since I am not sure what version you are using, I will approximate.

  • open system preferences
  • click on the international button (fifth from left in top row)
  • you should see a list of languages on the left.
  • if English is there, drag it to the top.
  • if not, click on the button on the right (below the text) and find and select English from the list
  • click OK
  • now drag English to the top.

Now log out and log back in.

This was tested on Tiger (10.4) but I am sure that Leopard (10.5) and Snow Leopard (10.6) would be similar.

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11y ago

System Preferences/ Lanquage & Text and select Spanish and see if that works. You may also have to select the Input Sources menu in the same window, check the Keyboard & Charactor Viewer option then select Spanish again below it.

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