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In Access, a row from a spreadsheet is normally a record.

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Q: How do you called a row from excel in Access?
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What is the difference between the way Access saves a record and the way Excel saves a row in a work sheet?

the difference between the way Access saves a record and the way Excel saves a row in a worksheet. Answer

What is the first row of the excel database that contains field names called?

heading row

What is horizontal cells called in Excel?

A line of horizontal cells in Excel is known as a row.

What is the intersection of a column and row in Excel called?

The intersection of a column and row in excel called "cell"

Why do they call a column a cell in Microsoft Excel?

A column is not called a cell in Microsoft Excel. A column is a group of vertically arranged cells, a row being a horizontal group of cells. A cell is created where a column and row intersect, and its address is take from the column and row that it is in.A column is not called a cell in Microsoft Excel. A column is a group of vertically arranged cells, a row being a horizontal group of cells. A cell is created where a column and row intersect, and its address is take from the column and row that it is in.A column is not called a cell in Microsoft Excel. A column is a group of vertically arranged cells, a row being a horizontal group of cells. A cell is created where a column and row intersect, and its address is take from the column and row that it is in.A column is not called a cell in Microsoft Excel. A column is a group of vertically arranged cells, a row being a horizontal group of cells. A cell is created where a column and row intersect, and its address is take from the column and row that it is in.A column is not called a cell in Microsoft Excel. A column is a group of vertically arranged cells, a row being a horizontal group of cells. A cell is created where a column and row intersect, and its address is take from the column and row that it is in.A column is not called a cell in Microsoft Excel. A column is a group of vertically arranged cells, a row being a horizontal group of cells. A cell is created where a column and row intersect, and its address is take from the column and row that it is in.A column is not called a cell in Microsoft Excel. A column is a group of vertically arranged cells, a row being a horizontal group of cells. A cell is created where a column and row intersect, and its address is take from the column and row that it is in.A column is not called a cell in Microsoft Excel. A column is a group of vertically arranged cells, a row being a horizontal group of cells. A cell is created where a column and row intersect, and its address is take from the column and row that it is in.A column is not called a cell in Microsoft Excel. A column is a group of vertically arranged cells, a row being a horizontal group of cells. A cell is created where a column and row intersect, and its address is take from the column and row that it is in.A column is not called a cell in Microsoft Excel. A column is a group of vertically arranged cells, a row being a horizontal group of cells. A cell is created where a column and row intersect, and its address is take from the column and row that it is in.A column is not called a cell in Microsoft Excel. A column is a group of vertically arranged cells, a row being a horizontal group of cells. A cell is created where a column and row intersect, and its address is take from the column and row that it is in.

What is the basic unit of measure for worksheet row height called in excel?


When working with Excel the box formed by the intersection of a row and a column is called?


what are the row numbers that appear automatically in an excel spreadsheet called?

Serial numbers. Or, generically for any spreadsheet, row headers.

In what ways can you modify this Excel 2007 table using options on the Design tab of the Ribbon?

You can insert column H in the table by selecting the Resize Table button You can insert a total row from which you can access common Excel functions You can remove row 3 from the table by clearing the Header Row checkbox

In Excel a button that inserts Excel functions to sum average or count all the values in a column or row or display the minimum or maximum value in a column or row is called the?

The Autosum button can do all of those things.

What is the row and column format of an Access table called?


Is there a data base that will allow you to put names at the top - not letters like Excel?

You could use a database like Access or Oracle. You could also use the first blank row in Excel for your headings and Excel can work on them like a database.