

How do you backup AOL Address Book?

Updated: 11/23/2022
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Q: How do you backup AOL Address Book?
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You can either choose manual action or consider some trusted third party utilities which can provide reliable backup of your AOL mailbox so that you can save old AOL mails . I would recommend one of the few utilities like SysTools AOL Backup which is indulged in handling AOL related issues keenly. The utility claims to backup old AOL emails along with extended export support.Here is the link :-

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i am try to look at every one that is under my account.

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If someone spams you, you are very unlucky. Sorry for your loss.

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Well, I hope I am answering your question but the URL is the website address and of AOL it is

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Well, I hope I am answering your question but the URL is the website address and of AOL it is

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A public AOL email address for Kylie Jenner is not known at this time.

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You have to create an account on AIM first, and upon doing that, you will be able to have AOL Mail.

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How do i Export AOL contacts?

To save your AIM Mail or AOL Mail address book to a file:Select Contacts in the AIM Mail or AOL Mail folder list.Click Export.Choose the desired file format under File Type:. CSV is used by many email programs and services. You can import contacts from CSV files into Outlook and Gmail, for example.TXT makes it easier to view exported contacts in a text editor as columns are aligned with tabulators. For address book migration, CSV and LDIF are usually better.LDIF is a data format used for address exchange. It can be used with LDAP servers and Mozilla