Mission, as in a task to achieve.
Which of the following organizational structures is designed to achieve a balance of task focus and technical capability
It would seem to me that the term "task" is more of an objective word in the sense that it takes work, to achieve a task
to earn something by doing a certain task.
The shortest command to achieve a specific video processing task using ffmpeg is "ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.mp4".
how to achieve a balance between liberty and authority
It means: To achieve or accomplish a desired task/goal.
fly alone across the Atlantic.
The desired level of task proficiency is the standard of skill or expertise that is expected or required to successfully complete a task or job. It represents the level of quality and efficiency that an individual should aim to achieve in their performance.
There are many different occasions when you may have needed to manage your time to complete a task. The key to success was efficiency.
It is a device, with moving parts, used to multiply applied force to achieve a task.
Assigning jobs or projects to others in order to achieve organizational goals and objectives.