

Best Answer

1. Download and run firefox to protect your computer from future spyware attacks and pop ups which are coming in through internet explorer (Trojan downloaders, win32 ).Browser attacks aren't easy to spot because they piggyback on legitimate traffic that doesn't exhibit many obvious warning signs . 2. Run the vundo and combo fix 3. Run Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

4. Run the anti spyware remove programs spybot

5. Run a complete scan with free curing utility Dr.Web CureIt!

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Q: How do i remove Trojan horse downloader.agent.NCJ its located in 'C' drive windowtempraray files.?
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oh,I have this Trojan too,here is a guide to remove:

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I had thid god-awful trojan, that wasn't touched by TrendMicro or Ad-Aware or SpyBbot. But it was located and deleted by a FREE Kaspersky scan.

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Use the online scanner of TrendMicro to remove this trojan: And here you can find information on this trojan: Good luck, Jahewi :-)

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Trojan Downloader is one of the most dangerous threats. Once this threat is infected with your computer, it is necessary to remove Trojan Downloader at once. There are some tips on how to remove and prevent Trojan Downloader from your PC below.

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format your machine

How do you remove Trojan horse downloader delf tr?

Your "up to date" antivirus will remove it.

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Use Trojan removal tool to remove the virus and also popup. Optimo AV is the one of the virus, worms, rootkit, Trojan removal tool which block the unnecessary popup when you open any website.

How do you remove Trojan virus after you erased hard drive and reinstalled windows xp?

If you have erased the hard disk then the Trojan is gone.

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A Trojan removal tool will scan through your PC and remove all the infected files that.

What makes Windows run slow?

A Trojan virus you might want to look into how to remove a Trojan in wiki for more info