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Should you choose to do such a silly thing then simply open IE. By default it checks and complains if it is not your default browser.

If that fails open MSIE, select tools from the tool bar, and then programs. That will allow you to select IE as your default browser. Shut down and restart and MSIE should be your default browser.

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In Safari, click Safari>Preferences. In the General tab, it will say "Default web browser." Just click on that and choose Firefox.

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Q: How do i change my internet browser that is set for safari to be Mozilla Firefox?
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Do you have to have Mozilla Firefox?

Not at all, no. Mozilla Firefox is not usually the default browser (Apple computers/macs use Safari, Google computers use Google Chrome and Microsoft computers use Internet Explorer). Mozilla Firefox is free to download and install but you can choose not to have it, if you don't want it. It can also be uninstalled if you change your mind about it later.

How do you change from Windows Microsoft Internet Explorer?

Its really easy. You can go to Mozilla Firefox. Just go to Google and type in Mozilla Firefox. After there it will lead you to your instructions and you read. I went there and I changed from Internet ExplorerSolution: Download and install Mozilla Firefox from then set default browser mozilla firefox.Other possible alternatives for Microsoft Internet Explorer:Apple Safari ( Chrome ( (

How do you change your internet browser that is set for internet explorer to be Mozilla Firefox?

Go to options Advanced settings Sytem defaults Solution: Open Firefox. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the ToolsFirefoxEdit menu, and select Options...Preferences.... Select the Advanced panel, then click the General tab, and then click Check Now. Select Yes to set Firefox as your default browser.

Why does AOL start up when you click on Google?

In this instance, it seems as though AOL is set up as your default internet provider and web browser. Change your default browswer to Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Opera, or Safari.

Which company made Firefox?

The Firefox project began as an experimental branch of the Mozilla project by Dave Hyatt, Joe Hewitt and Blake Ross. They believed the commercial requirements of Netscape's sponsorship and developer-driven feature creep compromised the utility of the Mozilla browser To combat what they experienced as the Mozilla Suite's software bloat, they created a stand-alone browser, with which they intended to replace the Mozilla Suite. On April 3, 2003, the Mozilla Organization announced that they contrived to change their focus from the Mozilla Suite to Firefox and Thunderbird .

How can you change your DNA on Cartoon Network?

I tried to change the DNA on internet explorer and it would not work, use mozilla firefox instead.

What is one name of a webpage that lets you change your own home page?

Your homepage can be changed inside of your browser. In Mozilla Firefox, this can be done by going to Tools, then Options. In Internet Explorer (Version 7), this is done by going to Tools, then Internet Options. Note that Internet Explorer supports multiple homepages.

Why did Mozilla Firefox change into Godzilla Megafox on your desktop?

It has not see here:

How do you change a password on Mozilla Firefox?

Settings tab, security

When you click on a thunderbird email link to a site it opens in Explorer instead of your default Mozilla browser how do you change it?

You're going to need to install the Thunderbrowse extension, then configure all links to open in Firefox/Seamonkey/Mozilla/Camino/Fennec or in fact, essentially any modern browser.

Where are the Firefox bookmarks in Windows 7?

C:\Users\*username*\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox You have to change show all folders in order to see Roaming Here is a more detailed path for Win-7 C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*ProfileName*

How do you change your main search engine on your computer?

You typically change your search engine from your browser. For instance, in Google Chrome click the spanner and select Settings. In the Search category, select your preferred engine. In Mozilla Firefox, click the search engine drop-down arrow and select an engine. In Internet Explorer, go to Internet Options, General, Search, click Settings and select an engine.