The doctors do not want the virus to spread and infect the person but it just weakens the virus so your anti bodies can kill the virus
To protect you from any virus infection
well I had verucas for about four years, annd the doctors verrucas are a virus.
its just like the anti live virus! its the virus but manipulated to attack its self, it that makes sense?
how do you know when to suspect a virus on a website
Doctors use latin for scientific names. and also to name new virus/sickness/bacteria that they find
Viruses cannot be destroyed, although doctors can give you vaccines to help fight the virus with your white blood cells in your immune system.
I dont know i think its the Trojan virus or the Jerusalum virus.
....have you been eating soap again? Suggest you go to the doctors.
through blood testing
Pope did not know the reason. Doctors also did not know the reason or cure.
I dont know how would i know