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You just need to right click at the bottom and select properties. It actually depends if you hide it or not. If you hide it, it will work as it will pop out again. If not, go to the control panel to change your settings.

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Q: How do I get my HP and Bing toolbar back?
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I have been having the same problems with my bing bar as well. If YOU are a computer(bing bar wiz) Please Help!

How do you remove the Bing toolbar?

There should be an 'X' on the left of the toolbar, click that then close your Internet page or current page. Go on 'My Computer', click 'Add or remove programs' on the left. Scroll down and find the Bing toolbar and click remove, then it's fully removed off your computer.

How do you get back toolbar?

Ctrl + F11 = Toolbar

How do you switch from bing to Google as your main search engine?

If you have a bing toolbar, uninstall it. If bing is simply your home page, go to your browser settings and change the URL to your home page to that of google's, e.g.,

How do you take the bing bar off your computer?

go to the "x" on the left of the toolbar, and click disable. It'll vanish!

How do you get your email toolbar back?

Right click on your toolbar and click on the email option

How do you remove the toolbar?

There should be an 'X' on the left of the toolbar, click that then close your internet page or current page. Go on 'My Computer', click 'Add or remove programs' on the left. Scroll down and find the Bing toolbar and click remove, then it's fully removed off your computer.

What happened to your back and forward buttons on your toolbar?

Maybe your navigation toolbar is off try it. Go to View. Then toolbar then find the Navigation tools bar button

Why has the Google toolbar become black?

Try turning the toolbar off, then back on again. If that doesn't work. Reinstall it.

You accidentally deleted your extra tab feature on your toolbar how do you get it back?

On the Google toolbar you right-click on it then click on new tab.

Where is the tool bar on Google Earth?

In View menu you can enable/disable the Toolbar. Select 'Toolbar' option to bring it back.

What display the previous webpage on a standard buttons toolbar?
