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How do I boot up my Laptop windows vista because it will not start up?

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Q: How do I boot up my Laptop windows vista because it will not start up?
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I'm not sure how your computer works but I had the same problem my laptop came with windows vista but recently I had to restart from scratch I still had windows should still have vista

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How to Install Windows Vista in a laptop?

open CD drive insert windows vista disk and run it

Why is Windows Vista so slow on my laptop?

That would be because the Windows Vista is set up for a larger operating system than what your laptop probably has. You might have the minimum system requirements, but just because you have those does not mean it is going to run at top speed.

How do you turn off the internet on a Windows Vista laptop?

start> control panel> network & sharing center> disconnect

You have windows 98 can you update to widows vista on your laptop?

Theoretically you can, but you have to make sure that your laptop is able to handle Vista requirements.

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Could I run Windows Vista on this laptop?

Yes, windows vista is already pre-loaded on this computer when you receive it. More specifically, Windows Vista Home Premium edition.

Does Championship Manager 2007 work on Windows Vista?

Yes, it works fine on my laptop with Vista on it.

How do i reboot my Windows Vista laptop?

get windows live 1 care and fire away

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I have MGI Photo Program on dicks, I had it on Windows XP. I Tried to install on my laptop, It has Windows Vista. Why won't it install on Vista

Where can a Windows Vista laptop be purchased?

Windows Vista laptops will only be available on the second hand market. In addition, it will be difficult to obtain drivers for a modern laptop that officially support Windows Vista. It is even hard to find a Windows 7 powered computer, as Microsoft is pushing Windows 8 hard, despite its unpopularity.