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Colossus was programmed by instructions punched on a roll of paper tape.

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Q: How did people tell the computer colossus what to do?
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Why was the colossus computer desgined for?

the main objective of the colossus was to break the enigma code

How many people did it take to build the colossus computer?

i think its about 100 people..iam not sure of it

What part of the colossus computer enabled it to do the processing?

The Colossus computer worked using one to two thousand thermionic valves.

Where was the colossus computer invented?


What was the first name given to a computer?

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How can people tell that the Colossus of Rhodes did really exist at one time if there where no ruins found?

The scaffolding remains.

Where was the colossus computer made?

Colossus computer was created on 1944-06-06.

What job did the colossus di in world war 2?

Colossus was a code breaking computer designed by Tommy Flowers.

Who found the computer named Colossus?

andrew gregory

How much did the colosses computer weigh?

The colossus computer weighed over 100 pounds

Is Alexander the great the colossus of Rhodes?

The colossus never survived therefore nobody of this time could tell us. But some accounts from ancient times relate the colossus to Alexander.