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There are more than one definition of that, both hardware and software solutions. The hardware one is to close all the ports on the router you use to connect to the internet and enable the firewall on it or even use a computer as a router using BackTrack and enabling the firewall there and use ether ape to monitor all connections. If you don't want to use an extra computer you should install wire shark on the computer and NEVER use public internet connections. Those are the biggest enemy of a windows laptop. Also in the terms of someone stealing your laptop you should encrypt your HDD with at least 128bit AES encryption using 10+ character password with upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.

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Q: How could one build own security gates for laptop?
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How many gates could Bill Gates build if Bill Gates could build gates?

I see you have asked a wise question, grasshopper.

How much do security gates cost?

Security gates can range from $300-$3000, depending on the type of security gate and what one is willing to pay. Garden gates range from $300-$600, driveway gates range from $1250 to $3000, and double folding security gates range from $300-$1000. Custom security gates can also be purchased at a higher cost.

How much do security's cost?

Security gates can range from $300-$3000, depending on the type of security gate and what one is willing to pay. Garden gates range from $300-$600, driveway gates range from $1250 to $3000, and double folding security gates range from $300-$1000. Custom security gates can also be purchased at a higher cost.

What year did bill gates create the laptop?

a year

What is a sentence for security?

The security guard stood outside the gates.

What christian song has lift up you ancient gates in the chorus?

There is a Steve Camp song that starts: "Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not stand against it." Could that be it?

Who created computer security?

Bill Gates

What are some creative porch gates ideas that can enhance the security and aesthetics of a home?

Some creative porch gate ideas that can enhance both security and aesthetics of a home include wrought iron gates with intricate designs, wooden gates with decorative carvings, modern metal gates with geometric patterns, and gates with integrated lighting or smart technology for added security.

Who invented computer and laptop?

Bill gates the founder of Microsoft corporation.

How do you connect your laptop to xn900?

I dont know! Ask Bill Gates!

How do you stop your lab from jumping your gates to the deck to get out?

You need to build the gate higher. The dog could injure itself or cause an accident.

Why are NAND and NOR gates known as universal gates?

Because you can build any other type of gate from them.