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you can open document then press print screen on keyboard, this will place image on clipboard, then open image editor and paste it

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Q: How can you turn doc file to image file?
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The last characters after the period in a file name?

Are called a file extension. They typically describe the function of the file. .exe stands for an executable file, a .jpg is an image compression, .doc is a Microsoft Word document, etc.

Is ms word a doc file?

Yes MS Word is a doc file. The file extension of MS Word file is .doc, .docx, .docm and many more.

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common attachment file types are .pdf (adobe reader), .doc (microsoft word), .jpg (jpeg image), and .zip (compressed files of any file format).

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How do you extract data from scanned image?

when you scan the picture it will automatically save it to a file under documents ussually then you can copy and paste it to a word doc or paint

How do you convert doc file into a pdf file?

There are so many tools available online. Smallpdf is one of the best tool for convert doc file into PDF.

How do i reformat word perfect to a doc file?

Open it and save it as a DOC file. You can use word itself or abiword(free).

What programme is a doc file?

Microsoft Word 2007 file.

Is doc a file format?

Yes, it is.

What does doc fille extensions mean?

Doc file extension is short for document

File extension doc means?

the Microsoft word files are called document

What does the 3 letter extension at the end of a file name tell a computer?

The three letter extension at the end of every file name is for windows to identify the file format. Some Common file extensions are: .BAT -DOS batch file, .BMP - a bitmap picture image, .DOC -Microsoft Word word processor file format, .EXE -Executable file, .GIF - Graphic Image Format file, .HTM or .HTML, .JPG - Joint Producers and Engineers of Graphics file format, .PDF -Portable Document Format.