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Dont allow cameras? That is the only thing that will work.

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Q: How can you stop people from taking pictures of the computer screen Any type of film can be attached to the monitor?
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I should purchase vdu monitor or lcd monitor desktop or laptop?

Considering what you need a computer to do should help determine whether to purchase a computer or laptop. Laptops are good for people who need a computer that can move with them.

What are the benefits of computer monitor mounts?

A computer monitor wall mount clears up space on the desk. Your computer monitor hangs on the wall, which adds a little more space on your desk, which can be more convenient for people with small computer desks.

How exactly does a virus move from one computer to the next?

Well it doesn't, computer viruses come from the internet and are attached to websites, pictures, post etc. So every time someone new or old clicks on the site or post it goes into your computer and if not cought fast enough can damage or fry your computer. Virus are created from other people in the world.

Why are there so many cat pictures on the internet?

People become attached to their animals and they desire to show others their family.

What does a computer monitor riser do?

A computer moniter riser simply rises your computer so you can see better. Computer moniter risers are usually used by tall people because most of the time they look down on the computer.

Why do people call the monitor the computer?

In computing, monitor is just another term for display screen. The term monitor, however, usually refers to the entire box, whereas display screen can mean just the screen. In addition, the term monitor often implies graphics capabilities. It's actually called a monitor because that's exactly what it's used for - observing what's happening within whatever device it's connected to.

Is there a website that lets you download pictures of people on to your computer Mac?

Facebook, but legally besides that, not really unless they allowed it for you to go onto their pictures and download them//

What isan output device?

An output device is a computer device which receives the signal from the Micro Processors & gives the result to computer user. Computer Printer, Monitor and Speaker are examples of output device.

How do you use the word monitor in a sentence?

There are several uses of the term:A monitor can be someone who reminds people to behave properly.- The hall monitor checked my pass.A monitor can be a visual display, such as a TV.- The computer monitor is the latest model.A monitor can be a tracking or listening device.- Turn on the baby monitor before you go downstairs.The word monitor is used for certain lizards.- You can find several species of monitor lizard if you travel to the tropics.The term monitor was used for ironclad ships of the US Civil War (after USS Monitor).- The Union naval forces included the newest monitor built for the fleet.The verb to monitor means to keep track of.- The rangers monitor the wolf population carefully.To monitor can mean to test something on a regular basis.- We need to monitor the water quality often.

How do you assemble a monitor?

Generally, you don't. Computer monitors can be quite dangerous and should only be assembled by people who know what they're doing.