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Go to Advanced Options and click the "transition navigation keys" check box under "Lotus Compatability"

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Q: How can you set the home key in Excel to go to A1?
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Which short cut key is used to select the top leftmost cell of the Excel sheet?

Ctrl-Home will bring you to cell A1 in a worksheet in Excel.

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What key combination will move the cell to A1?

Ctrl-Home will select A1. You can also use the F5 key to open the Goto, and then go to cell A1.Ctrl-Home will select A1. You can also use the F5 key to open the Goto, and then go to cell A1.Ctrl-Home will select A1. You can also use the F5 key to open the Goto, and then go to cell A1.Ctrl-Home will select A1. You can also use the F5 key to open the Goto, and then go to cell A1.Ctrl-Home will select A1. You can also use the F5 key to open the Goto, and then go to cell A1.Ctrl-Home will select A1. You can also use the F5 key to open the Goto, and then go to cell A1.Ctrl-Home will select A1. You can also use the F5 key to open the Goto, and then go to cell A1.Ctrl-Home will select A1. You can also use the F5 key to open the Goto, and then go to cell A1.Ctrl-Home will select A1. You can also use the F5 key to open the Goto, and then go to cell A1.Ctrl-Home will select A1. You can also use the F5 key to open the Goto, and then go to cell A1.Ctrl-Home will select A1. You can also use the F5 key to open the Goto, and then go to cell A1.

Where did the insertion point go after you pressed the home key?

In Excel, to the first cell in the current row. in Word, to the start of the current line of text..

How do you quickly jump to the next cell in a worksheet press in excel?

Ctrl+Home will bring you to the first cell, which is cell A1. Home will bring you to the first cell in the current row.

What keyboard shortcut in Excel moves you back to cell A1?

While holding down the CTRL key, press HOME once ... Voila, back to cell A1. or Press F5 and then type A1 or any cell name like c1, c12, b2 etc... You can go to which cell you want in this way.

What keyboard shortcut changes the active cell to cell A1?

Pressing Ctrl + Home will change the active cell to cell A1 in Excel.

What function in Excel moves the cell pointer to cell A1?

Press Ctrl - Home.

The home position in a spreadsheet is what?

It would be cell A1. Pressing the Home key brings you to the cell in column A on the row you are on. Ctrl - Home will bring you to cell A1.

What is the range of cell when you select all cells in Excel?

That depends on the version of Excel. Up to Excel 2003 it would be A1:IV65536. From Excel 2007 onwards it would be A1:XFD1048576.

What is the formula to find the sum of cells a1 a2 and a3 in excel?

Excel formulas that will find the average of cells A1, A2, and A4 are: =AVERAGE(A1 ,A2, A4) or =AVERAGE(A1:A2, A4)

What does the command control plus home do in Excel?

It will bring the cursor back to cell A1 and make it the active cell.