To createa text file in Windows XP or any version of XP, open any word processor or text editor and create your file. Once you create your file, save it with the .TXT contention to save it as a text file.
Not in the same session. However. multiple instances of HyperTerminal can be opened.
Windows XP is a general name given to sevearl operating systems released by Microsft in the early 200's. These include: Windows XP Home, Windows XP Pro, WIndows XP Stater, Windows XP Media Edition, WIndows XP Tablet, Windows XP N, Windows XP K and Windows XP KN
No, but you can get Windows Live Mail for Windows XP in Windows Live Essentials for XP.
Purchase Windows XP
By installing Windows XP, with the Windows XP CD that is in case, when you bought it.
The Qt widget toolkit is not installed by default in Windows XP. Windows applications can use the Qt toolkit in Windows XP, and the QT SDK is available for Windows XP.
Of course. It wouldn't be a "Windows XP game" otherwise.
windows xp
A person can create their own Windows XP recovery disc. When one first gets their computer they can make a copy of their computers hard drive and save it to a disc to have on hand. A person can also borrow a Windows XP disc to reinstall on their computer so long as they have the product key. The other option is to buy Windows XP all over again.
There 3 versions which are windows professoinal,home professional and media centre.