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You can't. But you can use a brace or have surgerydone.

ITs is very hard tho so ya be very aware very rare do people come out alive out of the surgery

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14y ago
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12y ago

The exact cause of scoliosis is not completely known, although there are a few different 'types' or versions of scoliosis.

Idiopathic scoliosis has no known cause, and is most common in teenagers - especially girls. It is usually fixed by wearing a back brace for an extended period of time to realign the spine. Surgery is required in some extreme cases, or cases in which the doctor does not think that a simple back brace would help realign the back.

Neuromuscular conditions, (the two most used examples are cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy) can cause scoliosis as well. Birth defects that affect the spine's development, and physical injuries or infections of the spine, can also cause scoliosis.

Scientists think that scoliosis has some form of hereditary factor, as it runs in some families, although genes would most likely not be the sole cause of it - more like it would mix poorly with some of the 'known causes' or be a major role in Idiopathic scoliosis.

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15y ago

It can be prevented by doing more exercises minimum for 20 minutes, the doctor said do push-ups, sit-ups, or do weights, I have no clue if it works. But try and ask your doctor about it if he agrees then do it. Might not make much of a difference, but at least you will align it a little. Good luck for everyone that has scoliosis and take care!

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8y ago

Scoliosis is a term that defines abnormal curvature of the spine. The spine, from the rear view, is straight, but when looked up from the side has a very slight S-shape curvature. A person diagnosed with scoliosis may have a curve or S-shaped spine from the rear view. These curves may look like a severe S curves, called double curves, or a C-shape curve in the spine, severely throwing off upper body support and causing difficulty walking, limited range of motion, and for some individuals, difficulty breathing.

Scoliosis may cause conditions called hypokyphosis, a condition where inadequate backward curving of the upper spine causes pain, compressed nerves and limited mobility. Another condition, called hyperlordosis, is more commonly known as sway back. A condition where the curve of the upper back is especially pronounced produces a rounded back known medically as kyphosis or hyperkyphosis.

Treatment for scoliosis will depend on the age of the patient and the severity of the curvature. Nonsurgical treatment options are usually begun first, followed by surgery when necessary.

Nonsurgical Scoliosis Treatment

Nonsurgical scoliosis treatment consists of bracing and exercise. The severity or degree of the curvature as well as its location may benefit from spinal support braces and exercise routines that help gradually straighten the spine. Individuals with curvature of less than 20° usually don't receive any kind of treatment, though the condition may be carefully watched as the child grows. If the curvature is 30° or more and the child is still experiencing growth spurts, medical professionals typically recommend a back brace to help straighten the spine. Back braces for scoliosis are custom-made for the individual and take into consideration size, degree of curvature, and prognosis. The brace is usually worn until the individual completes the growing process at the end of adolescence. Individuals wearing braces are encouraged to undergo an exercise program that involves stretching, muscle strengthening and flexibility, all of which help create a stronger core and back.

Surgical Scoliosis Treatment

Several surgical methods are recommended for scoliosis treatment , though surgical procedures are generally not recommended for those with more than a 45 to 50° curvature. Scoliosis surgery focuses on fusing the vertebrae along the curve part of the spine and grafting bone chips to help encourage growth of the spine in a straighter pattern. Bone grafts are generally taken from the hipbone. In addition to the bone grafting procedures, metal rods, screws, wires and hooks may be implanted until the spine fuses and grows strong enough to support itself. In most cases, such devices are left in the back without causing any health problems or issues, but will again depend on the type of surgery and the successful fusion of vertebrae.

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15y ago

I feel that you will never be able to fully 100% correct Scoliosis. Usually surgery is the best way to deal with Scoliosis. But it also depends how bad you have Scoliosis. I had it pretty bad and have gone through many braces and have had 5 surgery's and my spine is still not fully straighten, but it has gotten sooo much better then it was when I first started out. It just all depends on your situation.

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12y ago

by wearing a brace.

Actually, virtually all of the current published research agrees that bracing for scoliosis is ineffective and does not reduce the surgical rates in scoliosis.

Scoliosis is the result of genetic pre-disposition and environmental risk factors resulting in the primary symptom (a spinal curvature) known as scoliosis. A cure for scoliosis may be possible IF we could accurately determine the environmental risk factors and eliminate them in the early stages of the condition.

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14y ago

It really is nothing you can cure on your own. If it's mild which is below a 30 degree angle they don't worry about it. If its between 30-40 they usually talk about getting a brace for your back and above 40 is usually surgery. There you go :)

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13y ago

There is no known way to prevent the development of scoliosis. Progression of scoliosis may be prevented through bracing or surgery.

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9y ago

get them and stepd on there back very carefully only with a light person

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How long does Scoliosis last and why?

Scoliosis is a condition/disease of the spine, this is a lifelong condition and never goes away.Surgery can help correct curves but does not take the Scoliosis away

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great insights! it is indeed very cool to let some patients be part of celebrations that's why most patients who suffer scoliosis needs exercises for scoliosis are an important part of <a href='>scoliosis treatment</a>. Plus it boosts their confidence. <a href='>scoliosis Exercises</a> specially designed for scoliosis patients are designed to help strengthen and tone the muscles of the back. Strengthening the back muscles can help prevent and relieve back pain, a symptom commonly associated with severe scoliosis.

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great insights! it is indeed very cool to let some patients be part of celebrations that's why most patients who suffer scoliosis needs exercises for scoliosis are an important part of <a href='>scoliosis treatment</a>. Plus it boosts their confidence. <a href='>scoliosis Exercises</a> specially designed for scoliosis patients are designed to help strengthen and tone the muscles of the back. Strengthening the back muscles can help prevent and relieve back pain, a symptom commonly associated with severe scoliosis.

What is the spinal cord wanted for?

great insights! it is indeed very cool to let some patients be part of celebrations that's why most patients who suffer scoliosis needs exercises for scoliosis are an important part of <a href='>scoliosis treatment</a>. Plus it boosts their confidence. <a href='>scoliosis Exercises</a> specially designed for scoliosis patients are designed to help strengthen and tone the muscles of the back. Strengthening the back muscles can help prevent and relieve back pain, a symptom commonly associated with severe scoliosis.

For what is the spinal cord?

great insights! it is indeed very cool to let some patients be part of celebrations that's why most patients who suffer scoliosis needs exercises for scoliosis are an important part of <a href='>scoliosis treatment</a>. Plus it boosts their confidence. <a href='>scoliosis Exercises</a> specially designed for scoliosis patients are designed to help strengthen and tone the muscles of the back. Strengthening the back muscles can help prevent and relieve back pain, a symptom commonly associated with severe scoliosis.

How is scoliosis treated in alternative medicine?

exercise has not been shown to prevent or slow the progression of scoliosis. It may help to relieve pain from scoliosis by helping to maintain range of motion. Good nutrition is also important

How can massage be beneficial to scoliosis?

Massage would not correct a Scoliosis curve but it can be helpful with pain relief - to help release tension in the muscles surrounding the spine.

Do Chiropractors treat idiopathic scoliosis?

Doctors of chiropractic would certainly be willing and qualified to examine someone with scoliosis, and there are indeed strategies that can be employed to potentially slow or halt the progression of idiopathic scoliosis. A chiropractor will be able to determine how severe the scoliosis is, how often it needs to be monitored, at what stage a surgical referral is required, and what kinds of options exist for treatment. In some cases, a chiropractor may even be able to help reverse a scoliosis without surgery. For example, if you have a functional scoliosis (caused by unequal leg lengths, unilateral muscle trauma, unilateral hip problem, etc.), then if you are not too old (younger than 55) and the curve is not too severe (less than 30 degrees), a chiropractor will likely be able to help reduce or eliminate the scoliosis. Treatments would include one or more of: orthotics, spinal manipulation, stretching, muscle strengthening, etc.

What is the lateral curvation of the spine called?

That is called a scoliosis. You can remember the 'S' shaped spine of Scoliosis.

What would happen if you broke your spine when it has scoliosis?

If you broke your spine with or without scoliosis you will need spine surgery. You will also need to take physical therapy to help strengthen your spine after the surgery.

What is a prevention of scoliosis?

scoliosis can not be prevented