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You cannot have a copy on your mail server of Gmail. It is because Gmail has their own servers. They do not let any other servers interact with them.

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Q: How can you have gmail leave a copy of message on my mail server?
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Why mail can not send from yahoo to gmail account?

cause they just wont do that simply copy and paste ur message to your gmail account.

Is there a way to upload that email back to the server?

Check if your mail server supports IMAP and if it does you can switch your account from POP3 to IMAP and then upload all your mesages back to the folder on your server. And you can also switch all other accounts on your IMAP and then you will be checking your email right on the server. And its not going to go anywhere from the server. Its going to have a copy on your local computer but it will also leave a copy on your server. Thats how gmail works and thats how yahoo works.

What is the difference between the download-and-delete mode and the download-and-keep mode in POP3?

Your e-mail is stored on your e-mail provider's domain server until you download it to your computer. Download and delete means the e-mail message is deleted from the server once you have it on your computer. If you delete the message on your computer, the message is gone. Download and keep means a copy of the e-mail message remains on the server after it is downloaded to your computer. If you delete the message on your computer, the copy remains on the server.

If you have an email account with outlook How do you view it from a different computer?

Outlook is just Microsoft's email reading/downloading program. You can set it to leave a copy of the messages on the server, and then you can access the server by going to your email provider's website. your email provider is windows live mail, gmail or anything like that. ~artifex~

How do you copy a file to our Gmail account?

You can copy a file into Gmail account via attachments. These attachments can be combined with Gmail. They can carry any kind of file with them.

Is there a way you can use the carbin copy on gmail?

Yes, the CC option can be used in Gmail. CC stands for Carbon Copy in Gmail. BCC is also an option known as Blind Carbon Copy.

Why does your new Gmail go to trash?

If your incoming messages are automatically placed in Trash, the cause is a misconfigured filter, or a setting on your Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab. To resolve this issue, please make sure you haven't created any filters with the action Delete it that would affect the messages in question. If you have many filters or have complicated filters in place, you may need to edit the Delete it action to guarantee that they are not at fault. If you've enabled forwarding in your settings, please ensure that you have not selected delete Gmail's copy in your forwarding options. If you're using a POP1 client to access Gmail, please ensure that you have not selected delete Gmail's copy in step 2 of your POP download options. Finally, if you're accessing your Gmail from multiple POP clients, please verify that you have selected 'Leave a copy of messages on server' in your client configuration settings.

How do I select and save a section of my Gmail message as a Word document?

You can select the part of the text of the mail. Then right click to copy the content of mail. After that you can paste in the word document easily.

If you save an email Attachment in both Outlook Express and Gmail - is your hard drive saving the file once or twice?

Outlook only serves to download files from your mail server onto your harddrive. Gmail has their own private servers. You will only be saving one copy of the email.

How do you transfer photos from computer to memory card in camera?

With the camera or a card reader connected, copy them just as you would copy any other files from place to place on your computer. If this doesn't answer your question leave me a message on my message board

Is there a way to copy a World of Warcraft character from a retail server to a private server in a way that is similar to the PTR copy?

some private servers have character copy but other than that sorry no.

What are the two protocols that an email recipient's email server uses to deliver a message?

SMTP ServerSMTP stands for 'Simple Mail Transfer Protocol'. A protocol is an algorithm or procedure of communication, for a particular purpose. This server program exclusively handles the sending part of a mail. When you login to your mail account through a mail client like, outlook express or access directly through a site like hotmail, your client computer communicates with the SMTP server of your email site. An email id is by default in the format ''.The SMTP server receives the sent mail through port 25. Different ports of a server machine are assigned for certain specific tasks. Then the SMTP server separates the user name and the site name. If the site name is the same as the mail site from which it is sent, then it forwads the mail to its POP3 or IMAP server, which handles incoming mail. For example, if I am sending the mail from my gmail account and the recipient's address is also a gmail account then the gmail SMTP server will simply forward the mail to the POP3 or IMAP gmail server.If on the other hand, the sent email id belongs to a different site like yahoomail then the gmail SMTP server will contact the DNS (Domain name server) and ask for the IP addresses of the yahoomail server and forward the mail to the yahoomail SMTP server. A mail is a text file which is then forwarded by the yahoomail SMTP server to its POP3 or IMAP server. This server stores it into a particular file dedicated to the recipient's mail account.Many a times it happens that the SMTP server cannot locate the IP address of the mail recipient server. In such cases, the sent mail is queued and periodically sent again. In case its not able to send the mail, the SMTP server generates a 'mailer daemon' message which informs the sender of failure in message delivery and the reasons for the failure.POP3 and IMAP ServerThe POP3 server handles the other end of the emailing job. POP stands for 'Post Office protocol'. Through the server port 110, the POP3 server receives your request for reading mail after you log in.Gmail's POP3 server, maintains a detailed text file for every account that is registered on it. All the mail messages delivered through the SMTP server communication are pasted in that text file, one after the other along with all the required delivery timing and other details. When you want to read the mail, it analyzes the text file and separates each mail by header, subject and sender's name and serves it on your machine. The only disadvantage of a POP3 server is that once you download all your incoming messages through a mail client, they do not remain on the server machine. That is, they are erased from there.The IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) server is an improvement of POP3 server and takes care of the only disadvantage it has. What it does is, it maintains the original copy of your incoming mail text file on the server, even after you download it. So with an IMAP server, you can access your mail from any machine and download the mails on the machine or read them live on the site itself, without downloading.