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Download and run firefox to protect your computer from future spyware attacks and pop ups which are coming in through internet explorer (Trojan downloaders, win32 ).Browser attacks aren't easy to spot because they piggyback on legitimate traffic that doesn't exhibit many obvious warning signs

1. Run Deckard's System Scanner (DSS)

2. Run the vundo and combo fix

3. Run Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

4. Run the anti spyware removal programs spybot

5 Run Superantispyware

6. Run a complete scan with free curing utility Dr.Web CureIt!

For support within the United States and Canada, call toll-free (866) PCSAFETY (727-2338).

This is the Microsoft virus line, the call is free if you call them they will walk you though the steps for virus removal

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Q: How can you get rid of the Trojan rvp a virus when your computer keeps crashing halfway through a virus check?
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What is a computer trojon?

A computer Trojan or Trojan Horse is a piece of software which allows a cracker to remotely access the targeted computer. Once it has been installed the cracker can perform various operations. The operations that a cracker can perform are limited by user privileges on the target computer system and the design of the Trojan Horse. Various things can be done with a Trojan Horse. A few examples. A Trojan horse can be used as part of a botnet to perform spamming etc. It can also be used to steal data such as passwords and credit card information (Data). It can allow the installation of software, including malicious software and downloading or uploading files on the targeted computer. It can also modify and/or delete files from the targeted computer. It can also be used to waste computer storage space, crashing the targeted computer, viewing the user's screen etc. This all depends on what the Trojan Horse is designed for. Most of the Trojan Horses can be removed by simply running a virus scan, which will pick up the Trojan and remove it.

How does Trojan horse attack to your computer?

It sneaks into you computer through an innocent looking program, picture or email. Once on the computer it does damage to the file system.

What is backdoor Trojan horses?

A backdoor Trojan horse is a malicious program that allows the hacker to view everything on your computer.

What is a Trojan clicker?

A Trojan clicker is a Trojan computer program virus. Once on your computer, it remains in your system's memory and makes attempts to connect to specific websites.

What does a Trojan do to your computer?

Spys on you

If Trojan multiplies what kind of destroying action do they do?

If a Trojan computer virus multiplies is can change into a program that is made specificallyÊto destroy a computer. Some Trojan computer viruses are made to infect multiple computers.

How hamrful is a virus?

It depends on the virus, if it is like a Trojan, then it's capable of completely shutting and crashing down your computer. If it's something small, then it simply eats away at your computers' settings. Either way, it's harmful.

How Trojan hourse virus was spread?

A Trojan Horse virus spreads through anyway possible, but the main way to get a Trojan horse is by downloading un-legitimate programs from the internet. What does a Black Trojan horse do: enters and exit's your computer undetected bringing in viruses from a unknown source.

How does one remove a Trojan virus from one's computer?

There are many ways one can remove a trojan virus from one's computer. One can remove a trojan virus from their computer by downloading a virus removal software such as Sophos.

What Trojan does?

a trojan is a horse or computer virus that looks like a good thing but is not. a trojan is just and old horse.

What brings a virus in the computer?

Most come from common places or things.. Trojan Virus: Comes from the Trojan horse... ' Google Trojan horse and read up about it Worm:Eats through your data and multiples it self.. Much like a normal worm does with dirt.