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There are a few ways.

  1. Look through any emails you received from the PC you are trying to trace. If they used an email client such as Outlook, you will see their PCs IP address in the header.
    This will not work if they use a webmail client such as Gmail, YahooMail or others.
  2. You can use a legal hacking method, such as sending them an email with a link or iframe in it which will then log their IP address.
  3. A more advance method would be to have your own webserver which can record the IP addresses of visitors to your site down to the image level. Then include an image in your email. Your server statistics can record the server which downloaded the image. If this image was ONLY sent to the person you are attempting to trace, you will have their IP address.

The easiest way?
Ask them!

If they do not know, simply tell them to visit a site which displays their IP Address - there are a lot of them, like:
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Q: How can you find ip or hostname of another PC?
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