Files can get lost due to many reason, like uh, users deleted some files mistakenly. the iphone and ipad get broken and the memory card get attacked by virus, etc.
but generally they can be recovered quickly by Data Recovery for iTune, Data Recovery for Mac by Wondershare.
Lost Files was created on 2006-04-15.
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes was created in 1992.
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes happened in 1996.
The website Recover My Files offers many different data recovery services. Examples of these services are recovering files deleted from the Recycle Bin, files lost due to reformatting of hard drives, files lost as a result of a virus, and files lost during a system crash.
If you have recently lost your LimeWire files, you can use system restore under the open tab. This will restore your computer to the point where you had the files.
The Lost Files - Digital Underground album - was created on 1999-10-26.
The Lost Files - Donell Jones album - was created on 2009-11-24.
System restore cannot recover delete files.
Re installing the Windows OS without formatting the disk will keep your files safe. Only the system files will be rewirtten no change will be to the data files. But files stored in My Documents and Desktop will be lost if you are going for a clean installation. Download Recover My Files software to recover your old files after a system crash.
You may want to check out for instructions on restore lost files. They have how to's and instructional videos on how to get things complete safely and accurately.
If files get lost, you can easily retrieve them back.