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All cell phones can be recycled, although what each phone will be used for will vary. The parts of a cell phone (especially the battery) contain elements that can be harmful to the environment if the cell phone is not disposed of properly. I have enclosed a link to an organization that specializes in recycling cell phones of all types.

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15y ago

Well, sort of. Basically they get fragmented and then the raw materials will be recycled.

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12y ago

Ofcourse all beautiful celphone can be recycled.

By:Nicole Sionosa

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Q: How can electronic waste can be recycled?
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What percent of e-waste is recycled?

Electronic waste is commonly known as e-waste. Nearly 100% of this waste is recyclable, although ony about 12.5% is actually recycled.

Can an xbox 360 be recycled?

If you mean fix it yes if you mean actually recycling it no

What percent of e waste is recycled?

Only about 7% of the total plastic used is recycled. However, it depends on the type of plastic. Some, such as PET drinks bottles, are recycled to a much greater degree (up to 35%) whereas others such as expanded polystyrene cannot be recycled at all.

What are examples of electronic materials?

Some of the examples of electronic materials include the circuit boards and other components such as diodes and capacitors. A lot of electronic waste consists of electronic materials that were not recycled.

How much waste is not recycled?

Australia: 56% of Australian waste either cannot be recycled, or is not recycled.

Why was the Weee compliance put into effect?

The WEEE (waste electronic and electric equipment) directive was put into place to increase the amount of electronic goods being recycled by manufactures and distributors of electrical equipment. The goal was for the EU to recyle a minimum of 85% of electronic waste equipment by 2016.

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Can kitchen waste be recycled?

Yes. Food waste can be made into compost. Paper goods can be recycled as well. Many food and beverage containers can be recycled.

What is e-wast?

The term E-Waste is loosely applied to consume and business eloctronic equipment that is near or at the end of its useful life. There is no clear definition for it. E-waste is an informal name for electronic products with no use. Computers, TV's, telephones, stereos, VCD/VCR players, fax machines, printers, and microwaves are common electronic products; many of these products can be reused, recycled or refurbished. But unfortunately, electronic discards is one of the fastest growing segments of the waste stream.

How can recycle waste and non degradable waste?

yes it can be recycled

What is recycable waste?

Something that you dont want (waste) that can be recycled.