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Configure the VTP mode of the switch to transparent. Configure the switch with the same VTP domain name as other switches in the network.
the switchport access vlan 99 command is used to designate a specific VLAN for a switch port, allowing you to control how traffic on that port is treated and segregated from traffic on other ports and VLANs in the network. This is a fundamental configuration step in building and managing VLANs within a network infrastructure.
A Port VLAN ID (pvid) is a default VLAN ID that is assigned to an access port to designate the virtual LAN segment to which this port is connected. The pvid places the port into the set of ports that are connected under the designated VLAN ID. Also, if a trunk port has not been configured with any VLAN memberships, the virtual switch's Port VLAN ID (pvid) becomes the default VLAN ID for the ports connection.
force the port to be a part of a single vlan
switchport access vlan vlanID
The idea of configuring a switch port as a trunk port is to allow the switch to receive and send data from several VLANs on a single port. Otherwise, a separate port would be required for every VLAN, if, for example, you want to connect two switches among themselves.The idea of configuring a switch port as a trunk port is to allow the switch to receive and send data from several VLANs on a single port. Otherwise, a separate port would be required for every VLAN, if, for example, you want to connect two switches among themselves.The idea of configuring a switch port as a trunk port is to allow the switch to receive and send data from several VLANs on a single port. Otherwise, a separate port would be required for every VLAN, if, for example, you want to connect two switches among themselves.The idea of configuring a switch port as a trunk port is to allow the switch to receive and send data from several VLANs on a single port. Otherwise, a separate port would be required for every VLAN, if, for example, you want to connect two switches among themselves.
no vlan XXX copy run star
It will broadcast to every port in the vlan.
If a switch receives a frame (a piece of data) from a certain port, it will identify that as belonging to a certain VLAN, because each port is assigned a certain port.In a trunk link, additional data is added to each frame (frame tagging), to identify to which VLAN each frame belongs.
inter_vlan routing on d'link DGS3612 is automatic,you just creates vlan and tag them to the port access and trunk