Random access memory is a kind of computer or printer memory, which can be retrieved randomly. Whatever byte of memory can be retrieved without disturbing the other bytes of memory.
no, it is false
NOT seven, plus or minus two
an auctioner, or you can just learn to have longterm memory, lots of jobs require that! ;)
There is no such thing. random access memory maybe? RAM ROM = Read Only Memory, not Random Operating Memory.
declarative memory
Recalling the definition of long-term memory is an example of retrieving information from memory storage that was encoded, stored, and can be retrieved for an extended period.
Autobiographical memory
Information such as facts, definitions, instructions, recommendations, and explanations can be retrieved. The type of information available depends on the source and the context of the question.
"Memory" is the best word to describe RAM (Random Access Memory), as it is a type of computer memory that allows data to be stored and retrieved quickly for immediate use by the system.
Declarative memory is also known as explicit memory. It refers to the memory system that involves the conscious recollection of facts and events. This type of memory can be further subdivided into semantic memory (knowledge of facts and concepts) and episodic memory (memory of specific events and experiences).
Encoding is the process of inputting information into memory, where it can be stored and later retrieved. Retrieval is the process of accessing and bringing stored information out of memory for use. Both encoding and retrieval are essential components of memory processes.