Chronic. There are not many acute nutritional diseases except food poisoning, infections and sugar issues for diabetics. In contrast most of the major western chronic diseases such as heart disease and some cancers are nutritionally related.
Some heart diseases are chronic while some are acute, such as acute myocardial infarction.
Non-acute porphyrias present as chronic diseases.
chronic and acute
Chronic diseases are those such as back pain that are characterized by being long-term in nature. Acute diseases are short-lived and generally are cured or run their course within three months. Scoliosis, for example, is a long term medical condition and could therefore be considered chronic. Acute spinal meningitis, however, would be a short-lived infection of the lining of the spinal cord.
Some diseases last for a short period of time and/or come on very quickly. These are called Acute Diseases. eg Chest Infection Others last for a longer period of time and/or come on gradually over a long period of time. These are called Chronic Diseases eg - Arthritis
Acute and chronic sinusitis are two common para-nasal sinus diseases.
Aids is somewhat both because when it is acute it is when you have the symptoms of aids that you can treat and it can get taken care of by antibiotics. But it is mainly chronic i believe since it can never really be treated only antibiotics can take away some of your symptoms. That is really just a guess of mine. But I believe it is right.
It is a symptom of a variety of different diseases or disorders and may be either acute or chronic
Acute disease
chronic disease
Acute and chronic. Acute is short term and chronic is ongoing.