I Have A Windows Vista Laptop, But I Keep Getting The Same Problem With It. When I Put Icons On The Desktop Where I Want Them And Then Shutdown/Restart The Laptop And Let It Load Up Again, The Icons Have Gone Back To The Left Of The Screen, Aligned To Grid And Auto Arranged Even Though They Aren't Selected When I Right Click, Please Help!
Windows 7 is about 4 million times better then Vista. no actually its not. it can make your computer slower and isn't actually that different.
Any icon on the desktop will stay on the desktop when you restart your computer. Upon windows shutdown, Windows saves all of your settings and preferences. So when you restart all of the icons, documents, pictures and everything else will stay right were it was.
loads because windows vista is the worst windows software it uses the most ram and CPU Ghz out of all of the windows software i surgest you stay with xp or upgrade to 7
No don't stay with xp or get Windows 7 unless you want to have your computer crash non-stop
yes i have reinstalled al types of windows on my PC although i would stay with indows 7 it's way better!
Unfortunately, you cannot undo what you've already done. However, you can prevent this from happening anymore in the future. Right click some empty space on your desktop, point to view, and remove the tick from the side of "Auto Arrange". This should stop the problem from happening again.
Microsoft has been releasing a lot of updates for Internet 8.Internet Explorer 8 is amazingly fast on Windows 7.It is recommended to use Firefox, or Google Chrome on a Vista, for some reason Internet 8 is still really slow on vista.
You can go in a place without glass like windows
Security threats evolve constantly. To stay protected from threats on the Internet and wireless networks, the Microsoft Windows client operating system must also evolve. Windows Vista is the most secure and trustworthy Windows operating system yet, and it will help organizations achieve their business and computing goals with confidence. This paper describes the most significant security improvements, the benefits they provide, and why the new features matter to IT professionals.
Windows Vista does not come with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Outlook. However, you can purchase these programs separately from the Microsoft Store or other online retailers. If you're looking for a comprehensive office suite, then Microprokey is the best option. It comes with both Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Outlook, as well as several other useful applications. With Microprokey, you can create spreadsheets, manage emails, and much more. It's an excellent choice for those who want to stay productive while using Windows Vista.
Get a weather radio and get in the safest place of your home with a flash light and a blanket and stay away from windows
the built in ones