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Full form of GH = Gazetted Holiday

Full form of RH = Restricted Holiday

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Which lab work is important while taking Somatropin rh-GH?

BUN Levels

What is the Full text of the RH bill?

the full text of RH bill is reproductive of health

Can a child born with rh negative blood type be the offspring of an o positive father?

Yes, a child born with Rh negative blood type can be the offspring of an O positive father if the mother is also Rh negative, as the Rh factor is determined by both parents' blood types. If the mother is Rh positive, the child may inherit the Rh negative trait from the mother and be Rh negative.

Can your father and mother have Rh positive factor and you be Rh negative?

YES. Maybe both of your parents are half-Rh positive, but not a full-blown Rh positive. Your parents will have 25% chances of getting a Rh negative offspring (Out of 4 children, only 1 become Rh negative) This comes true in our family. Both myself and my husband are Rh positive and our kid (3 years) is Rh negative. My blood group is B+ve, and my husband is A1B+ve and our kid is A1-ve.

When did The Monkeys form?

They are the children of God that is why half of the population has monkey blood RH+

How are viruses affected by the Rh negative blood?

We don’t yet know the answer to this question. We do know that an rh neg female who has been exposed to rh positive blood through a birth or miscarriage will form antibodies against rh positive blood and on becoming pregnant again with an rh positive fetus will have antibodies that will attack the fetus which may cause numerous problems.

Is it more common to be Rh- or Rh plus?

It is more common to be Rh-positive (Rh+) than Rh-negative (Rh-) in the general population. Around 85% of people are Rh+ while only about 15% are Rh-.

If a father has O negative blood and the mother is a positive what would the child be?

Father is Rh-Rh-Positive blood type has two options so mother could be Rh+Rh+ or Rh+Rh- and so :Rh-Rh- X Rh+Rh+all kids will be positivethe second option isRh-Rh- X Rh+Rh-50% of the kids will be negativethe other 50% will be positive.

You have type O plus why does your father have O negative?

there is no problem with that, your Rh+ comes from your mother :) ur father genotype is Rh-Rh- your mother should be Rh+Rh+ or Rh+Rh- so you took one Rh- from your father and one Rh+ from your mother the result will be Rh+Rh- and because the +ve propriety is more dominant your blood type will be +ve even if you have the mix of Rh+Rh-

Monther is A positive and father is is B negative what make a child ab negative possible?

There are two genes that controll the traits. Since Rh+ is a dominant character, it could be expresssed even in the hterzygous condition. But Rh- could be expressed in the homozygous recessive conditions also. The father is Rh+ that means he could be either Rh+Rh+ or he could be Rh+Rh- and the mother is Rh-Rh-. The father should be Rh+Rh- type. So the gametes formed are of type Rh+and Rh-. When the Rh- gamete of male combine with the of Rh- female gamete the offspring is Rh-, with genotype Rh-Rh-.

If a Mother is A positive blood group and a Father is A positive blood group can they have a child that is O negative blood group?

That is always possible if both the parents are heterozygous for Rh antigen gene. It means that both the parents. There are 2 different alleles for the Rh factor known as Rh+ and Rh-.Someone who is "Rh positive" or "Rh+" has at least one Rh+ allele, but could have two. Their genotype could be either Rh+/Rh+ or Rh+/Rh-. Someone who Rh- has a genotype of Rh-/Rh-. If their genotypes are Rh+/Rh-, then their is possibility of of Rh- also.Rh factorPossible genotypesRh+Rh+/Rh+Rh+/Rh-Rh-Rh-/Rh-Prof. A.L. Bhatia O blood is also recessive to type A, so both parents could be heterozygous type A's. Their genotypes would have to be A/O.

Under what conditions might a person with Rh-blood develop Rh antibodies?

The first time an Rh- patient receives blood from an Rh+ donor, the Rh- patient will develop Rh agglutinins (agglutinins=antibodies) in the blood plasma. If the patient receives another Rh+ donation, it will cause agglutination, or clumping of the blood. The red blood cell membranes become leaky and hemoglobin pours into the blood. A possible cause is kidney failure due to excess hemoglobin at filtration sites.