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input-mouse,keyboard,scanner are input devices.

output-monitor,printer,platter are output device in our daily life.

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Q: Give examples at least ten input-process output or where data is being processed?
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Where is the most information processed in a computer?

Output, the result produced by the central processing unit, is a computer's whole reason for being. Output is usable information; that is, raw input data that has been processed by the computer into information. The most common forms of output are words, numbers, and graphics.

Where is most of the information processed in a computer?

Output, the result produced by the central processing unit, is a computer's whole reason for being. Output is usable information; that is, raw input data that has been processed by the computer into information. The most common forms of output are words, numbers, and graphics.

How does the speed of the modem affect the fax machine output?

A faster modem will provide for faster faxes,since the data is being processed at a faster rate.

What is data that has been processed called?

Actually, Processed data that conveys meaning and is useful to people is called INFORMATION, not output. Response: Maybe true, but the answer to the question given is OUTPUT!

How hysteresis comparator works?

Comparator is usually a substance which compares two quantities; one quantity is the processed one and the other is a standard value to which the processed value has to be compared. Hysteresis is a property in which the change in the magnetization lags behind change in the magnetic field. Now, Hysteresis comparator can be described as a comparator which compares a processed quantity with a quantity whose value is standard for hysteresis property., the difference being given as the output

What is the function or the monitor?

Peripheral devices like monitors are intended to assist the user in interacting with the computer system. Displays (monitors, projectors, televisions, etc) are used to display a visual output of the information being manipulated and processed by the computer.

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How can fraud take place in a business when sales transactions are being processed and recorded

What component of the computer holds data that is currently being processed?

The data is held by RAM(random access memory) or primary memory when it's being processed.

What is word-processed paper?

Word-processed paper refers to a document that has been created using a word processing software on a computer. This allows for text editing, formatting, and customization before being printed or shared electronically. Examples of word processing software include Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Pages.

How is input and output shown on force diagrams on force?

Input and output are shown on a force diagram by the human being the input force and the load force being the output force. When you divide output force by input force, you get the mechanical advantage of a lever.

Data processing life cycle?

1) Input is when the data is entered into the computer: There are 3 stages involved when imputing data; they are collection, verification, and coding. Collection collects the data and assembles it. The verification checks whether the data being processed it exact and complete. Coding means translating the data, in order for it to be used into machine readable form. 2) Process - The data is processed and organised. 3) Output is when the data which had been processed is presented as a document etc. Answer: Data processing can be likened to the manufacturing process. In manufacturing,raw materials are processed, or made into a finished product. The raw materials maybe considered "input" to the processing machine. The finished product is "output." Inthe electronic computer, data are the raw material or input to the computer. Thefinished product, or output, is usually a printed report or an updated file containing datathat have been processed or manipulated in some way. The three functions (or stages)of data processing are: input, process (or manipulation), and output. Input involvescapturing data and getting it into a farm understandable to the computer. Processingencompasses the various steps taken by the computer to manipulate the data andprovide information. Output makes the computed results of processing available for usein decision-making

What are the stages of processing?

1) Input is when the data is entered into the computer: There are 3 stages involved when imputing data; they are collection, verification, and coding. Collection collects the data and assembles it. The verification checks whether the data being processed it exact and complete. Coding means translating the data, in order for it to be used into machine readable form. 2) Process - The data is processed and organised. 3) Output is when the data which had been processed is presented as a document etc. Answer: Data processing can be likened to the manufacturing process. In manufacturing,raw materials are processed, or made into a finished product. The raw materials maybe considered "input" to the processing machine. The finished product is "output." Inthe electronic computer, data are the raw material or input to the computer. Thefinished product, or output, is usually a printed report or an updated file containing datathat have been processed or manipulated in some way. The three functions (or stages)of data processing are: input, process (or manipulation), and output. Input involvescapturing data and getting it into a farm understandable to the computer. Processingencompasses the various steps taken by the computer to manipulate the data andprovide information. Output makes the computed results of processing available for usein decision-making