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Q: Give an example of a model that shows gradual growth of a phenomenon and describe how you would implement it in a spreadsheet?
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A spreadsheet that you create and save with Excel is an example of a file.

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There are many poems that describe the psychological phenomenon on culture shock. For example, there is the poem Culture Shock by Seth Hood.

How do you use spreadsheet in a sentence?

Example sentence - We had to create a spreadsheet in order to analyze the data.

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You can describe it as a natural phenomenon that occurs during storms and is characterized by a sudden flash of light in the sky.

Is an example of spreadsheet software?

Microsoft Excel.

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A spreadsheet calculating the sum of 10 numbers entered into spreadsheet cells is an example of?

A formula. It can also be a function.

What is an example of how an embedded object in software works?

For example, a spreadsheet object can be brought into a word-processing document. Any time the spreadsheet object is updated in the original spreadsheet software, the object is automatically updated in the destination document.

Is wordperfect an example of spreadsheet?

No, that would be MS Excel.

What is an example of spreadsheet software?

Visicalc (Very Old - first ever electronic spreadsheet?)Lotus 1-2-3Apple iWork NumbersMicrosoft CalcGoogle Docs Spreadsheet

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Is a spreadsheet program is one example of an application program?
