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Millard Fillmore was the US President after Zachary Taylor.Millard Fillmore was the 13th President of the United States from 1850 July 9 to 1853 March 4. Millard Fillmore was previously the Vice President of the United States and became the president after Taylor died in office.

Whose skeleton was found in A Rose for Emily?

The skeleton found in "A Rose for Emily" is believed to be the remains of Homer Barron, Emily Grierson's former lover. It is implied that Emily kept his corpse in her house after his death, showing her inability to let go of him.

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The smell in Miss Emily's house was caused by the decaying body of her former lover, Homer Barron, which she had kept in her bedroom for years. She likely did this to preserve the memory of their time together and to keep him close to her.

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Democratic Party: Minister to Great Britain James Buchanan of Pennsylvania Republican Party: former U.S. Senator John C. Frémont of California Know-Nothing Party: former President Millard Fillmore of New York

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The judge suggests that the smell in "A Rose for Emily" was likely caused by the decaying body of Homer Barron, Emily's former lover, which she kept in her house after his death.

What was Millard Fillmore election opponets?

Democratic Party candidate James Buchanan won the 1856 presidential election defeating Republican Party candidate John Fremont and American Party candidate Millard Fillmore. In the 1856 presidential election James Buchanan received 174 electoral votes, John Fremont received 114 electoral votes, and former president Millard Fillmore received 8 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Buchanan 1,836,072, Fremont 1,873,053342,345 and Fillmore.

What American president did not die in office but died in 1874?

That was Ulysses S. Grant (Born Hiram Ulysses Grant). He was President from March 4, 1869-March 4 1877.

Who are the five people who died in A Rose for Emily?

Emily Grierson; Emily's father Mr. Grierson, whose first name is not given; the former mayor, Colonel Sartoris; Emily's great aunt, "old lady" Wyatt; Homer Barron

What first lady was a former teacher obtained an appropriation of 250 to buy books for the white house?

Abigail Powers Fillmore, wife of the the President Millard Fillmore, got Congress to appropriate money to start a library in the White House.

When did Millard Fillmore retirement?

Millard Fillmore's retirement began at the end of the presidential term he completed, on March 3, 1853. However, he came out of retirement to run for President in 1856. He had been the last U.S. President of the Whig Party, but that party had divided into several groups. He ran as a nominee of the Free Soil Party, one of the splinter groups of the former Whig Party, against Democrat James Buchanan and Republican John C. Frémont. That was the only time that Millard Fillmore ran for President, and he received eight electoral votes.