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it does not divide a disk by necessity. you can chose, when formatting, to divide the disk into partitions, but this is not necessary. default is that you have no partitions (which is technically the same as 1 partition).

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Q: Formatting divides a disk into what?
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What term is used in preparing and organizing a disk before information can be stored on it?

Formatting. This process divides the disk up into areas which can store information.

What is hard disk formatting?

Hard disk formatting means preparing new space for data storage. This is by creating tracks and sectors in the disk.

True statement about formatting a floppy disk for the first time?

Formatting prepares a floppy disk to store data

What is the process of preparing a disk for use an creates tracks and sectors is called?

This is called "Disk Formatting" "Formatting"

What is .udf?

Universal Disk Formatting

What is the disk formatting used for?

It wipes out data on the hard drive disk.

What is the process that marks the location of tracks and sectors on a disk?

A low-level format is the process that marks the location of tracks and sectors on a disk. A disk cannot be partitioned or formatted until a low-level format is completed.

What is the difference between deleting the data from a floppy disk and formatting the disk?

When you delete a file on a filesystem all that is really done is that the disk "forgets" where the data is stored. It remains on the disk until it is overwritten. Formatting is a more technical term than most people understand. A common misconception is that formatting is simply deleting all data on a disc. In fact formatting is more of a "reconfiguration" of the disk. Formatting is the process where a system of data storage is applied to the disk. As a bi-product of this the system which remembered the layout of the origonal data is replaced and therefore the data inaccessible. It is however a common feature of most formatting tools to physically destroy the data as part of the formatting process.

What is the process of dividing a disk into tracks and sectors so data and information can be stored on it?


Is backup the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors?

No, backup is most certainly not that. Formatting is the process fo dividing the disk into tracks and Sectors.

Process of marking tracks and sectors to prepare the disk to receive data is called the disk?

The process of marking tracks and sectors to prepare the disk to receive data is called formatting. During formatting, the disk is organized and divided into individual storage units that can be written and read by the computer's operating system. This prepares the disk for storing files and other data.

How do you detect defective hard disk before formatting?

look at it