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It is recommended that a 14 year old only play computer games around 9 hours a week. Playing more than that may result in an addiction to playing games.

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Q: For how many hours a week should a 14 year old play computer games?
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How many hours a day should a child be playing video games?

I heard that your child is only supposed to play video games or be on the computer 1 or 2 hours a day so i i let my children play on it for 2 hours:)

How many hours should you limit computer use per day?

I believe around 1 to 2 hours sounds right. It all depends on the person and how much they need to use the computer for productive things like bills and work. Games is not a good reason to be on for hours and hours.

How many kids play computer games?

you will never know too many kids are on computers each day for hours on end

How many hours should a ten year old be playing video games?

A 10 year old child should be getting approximently about 2-4 hours of vidio game hours through out the door.

How many hours of video games should a kid have?

Max an hour a day. Research is showing that the video games can change brain function and thinking processes.

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about 46 hours a week

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There are many people who do not like playing computer games, nor even going on a computer. Its impossible to count how many people are like this.

How many people use a computer every day?

Only a few! Adults that work use a computer but some kids do and that is wrong. Kids should be playing video games not using the computer day.

What games can be downloaded onto the computer?

There are many different games that can be downloaded to a computer. One can download arcade games, puzzles, simulator games, and role playing games.

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