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If you had a list of numbers in the cells from A2 to A20, you could find the highest and lowest values using the MAX and MIN functions as follows:



You could also use the LARGE and SMALL functions in the ways shown below, though they are generally used for getting values like second largest or third smallest. In those cases you would change the 1 in the below examples to the appropriate values.



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Q: Excel formula maximum and minimum value?
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You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.

What is maximum value and minimum value?

pi value= 1

Can standard deviation value be bigger than maximum and minimum value?

No standard deviation can not be bigger than maximum and minimum values.

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In Calculus, to find the maximum and minimum value, you first take the derivative of the function then find the zeroes or the roots of it. Once you have the roots, you can just simply plug in the x value to the original function where y is the maximum or minimum value. To know if its a maximum or minimum value, simply do your number line to check. the x and y are now your max/min points/ coordinates.

What is the meaning of maximum and minimum in Excel?

Maximum is the highest value from a set and minimum is the lowest number from a set. If you had a list of numbers in the cells from A2 to A20, you could find the highest and lowest values using the MAX and MIN functions as follows: =MAX(A2:A20) =MIN(A2:A20)