Business Support Systems (BSS) - Processes and systems that support customer facing activities:
· Product Management
· Customer Management
· Revenue Management
· Order Management
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this is which a system that support to share information in a business or an organization.
decision support system examples
There are several computer application in management information system. These are application systems that aids the management in decision making. Example of which are: business intelligence system, decision support system, forecasting, among others.
Decision Support Systems as Information Systems
TPS- Transaction Processing System DSS- Decision Support System ESS- Executive Support System
"No the vodafone business does not provide worldwide technical support. Although this company provides support to numerous places, based on my research it does not help places such as Canada for example."
With illustrative example explain how Operating System Programming Language Hardware support the Computer Graphics?
The decision support system in MIS helps the management level staff to make comparisons and alter certain processes for smooth running of the business. The system acts as a guide.
EDP : Electronic Data Processing MIS : Management Information System DSS : Decision support System Strategic and end users support E-business , E-Commerce
When monitoring and controlling its activities a business can make immediate use of the information from its operational support system to make its minute-by-minute or hour-by-hour decisions. For a restaurant, for example, some of their products are freshly prepared, while others are cooked in batches or need time to defrost. If customer orders are recorded on an EPOS system, then an operational support system can alert the restaurant management as to when they need to cook or defrost more bulk products.
form_title=Business VOIP System form_header=Support your incoming and outgoing phone calls using your Internet connection. Would you like your business VOIP system on a private or public network?= () Private () Public Do you require a secure network for your business's VOIP system?= () Yes () No How many phones are you looking to connect to this VOIP system?=_
OSS operation support system process data generated by business process system which involves the telecommunication network including VOIP, broadband, bill generation etc. IT has 3 partsTPS (transaction process system)PCS (process control system)OAS (office automation system)While Management support system :- it provides information and support, needed for effective decision making by managers.MIS (management information system)DSS (decision support system)EIS (executive information system)By:-Meetanshu Mittal