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To be technically accurate, no function does this. The answer you are looking for is the AVERAGE function. It divides by the amount of cells that have values in them, not by the amount of cells. In most situations, all of the selected cells have values in them, but there are cases when they don't.

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9y ago
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6y ago

The Average function.

= AVERAGE(specified range)
= AVERAGE(specified range)

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9y ago

There is no function called Total. The function that does what you say is the Average function.

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12y ago

The mean, except that Excel calls it "Average".

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10y ago

I assume you mean in Excel. Use the average() function.

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6y ago

One function which performs his function, in Excel, is "averageifs"

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6y ago

One function which performs this function, in Excel, is "averageifs"

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6y ago

The Average function.

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11y ago

=AVERAGE(range) will.

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Q: Does the total function sum the numbers in the specified range and then divides the sum by the number of nonzero cells in the range?
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Function sums the numbers in the specified range and then divides the sum by the number of non-zero cells in the range?


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