When opening an Excel file in a different year will it automatically save to present year?
The short answer is maybe, but you will not change the file date
just by opening the file. When you save a file, it will display the
date and time when you saved it (as set in your computer date-time
settings). Excel will ask you if you want to save the file when you
exit (assuming you did not change the default settings). You can
choose to leave the file as is (same file date) or save the file
(current file date).
An exception to this would be determined by your auto save
settings on Excel. If you make any changes to the file, Excel might
automatically save the file (thus, changing the file date).
Additionally, windows may save the last-accessed date.
Bottom line, if you want to view an Excel file and not change
the date, save the file to a different name as soon as you open it.
Then examine the file copy.