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After September 11th, 2001 INS made changes in the statutes pertaining to citizenship by marriage because that was to control foreign born nationals from trying to get around the Immigration process by marrying an American to gain automatic citizenship status. That amendment was changed because now any American who marries a foreign born national has to go through a lengthy process before being granted any kind of status to be in the country. * The amendment in itself has not been altered. However, statutory law now regulates the way citizen spouses can apply for permanent resident status and citizenship for their foreign born spouse. This is only possible if the spouse was in the US legally at the time the marriage was made. If the spouse was unlawfully present at the time the marriage is entered into, he or she will be required to return to their country of origin and apply for reentry under current USCIS laws.

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Q: Does the 14th Amendment make provision for citizenship through marriage If not where does the who idea come from?
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im sorry i dont know. you can try another website.

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Yes, but not likely. They will still have to leave the country and face a 10 year ban based on how long they were here illegally.

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Yes, in many cases, you can acquire dual citizenship if your father has dual citizenship. However, it's essential to understand that the rules and regulations surrounding dual citizenship vary from one country to another. Whether you can obtain dual citizenship through your father largely depends on the citizenship laws of the countries involved. Here's how it typically works: Jus Sanguinis: Many countries follow the principle of "jus sanguinis," which means "right of blood." Under this principle, citizenship is passed down through parentage. If your father is a citizen of one country, and you are born to him, you may be eligible for citizenship in that country automatically, regardless of where you were born. This would result in dual citizenship if you were born in a different country. Marriage and Descent: In some cases, if your father has dual citizenship due to his own birthplace, marriage, or other factors, you may be eligible for citizenship through him. For example, some countries grant citizenship to the children of citizens even if they are born abroad. Naturalization: If your father acquired dual citizenship through naturalization (the process of becoming a citizen of a country), the ability for you to gain dual citizenship may depend on the specific laws of the country and whether they extend citizenship to the children of naturalized citizens. It's important to note that dual citizenship laws are highly complex and can vary significantly between countries. It's recommended to consult with legal experts or immigration professionals, such as those at TVG Citizenship, who specialize in citizenship matters. They can provide guidance on your specific situation and help you navigate the legal requirements and processes to acquire dual citizenship, if possible, through your father's citizenship status.

Can someone marry two different us citizens in their country and gain citizenship through their second marriage?

No, such a petition would be VOID. A person cannot get a marriage based green card when that person is ALREADY married to someone else.

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