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I am not sure if the clove oil will "kill" them but it acts as a strong cinnamon smelling repellent, with a warm musky odor. Poured straight onto bedding sheets or pillows, it will definitely spice up your room. I had a problem with creepy crawlies and not sure if they were actual bedbugs. The clove oil is the ONLY thing that nipped that in the bud, some applied to my person diluted. The bugs HATE it. Once they stop feeding on YOU, they die off. Just DO NOT GET IT INTO YOUR EYES. VERY AROMATIC, VERY STRONG. Do allergy tests before applying any full strength to your skin. Hope this helps. BTW..makes you smell interesting to coworkers if you wear it like a cologne diluted. LOL. Winter Holiday X-massy.

Peppermint. Have not tried it. I did hear that you DON'T breath the fumes if you have cardiac problems as may cause irregular heartbeat or breathing. Might drive them off much that they don't feed, breed, and therefore die off.

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Q: Does peppermint oil or clove oil kill bedbugs?
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GNC probably carries peppermint oil.

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Walmart sells peppermint oil for baking, peppermint oil softgels, and peppermint extract. See the related links for the product listings on

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clove bud oil is for aromatherapy purposes. clove leaf oil is for chemistry purposes. both can be skin irritants, but clove leaf much more so. they both have the same botanical (latin) name.

What can clove oil be used for?

Clove oil is an essential oil from the clove plant. It is a natural antiseptic used primary in dentistry. It can be purchased in the pharmacy as a home remedy.

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Peppermint is not recommended as a bath oil. The peppermint essential oil can cause stinging, or dermatitis. When peppermint essential oil is included in mixtures intended for topical use it is drastically diluted with an inert carrier oil.

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The chemical formula for peppermint is exactly C10H20O1

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Which works better for mice peppermint extract or oil?

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