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It only costs money to view someone's webcam on random websites that are promiscuous. If you are webcamming with a friend it should be free.

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Q: Does it cost money to view someones webcam?
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How do you view a someones webcam if you do not have one on your computer?

i don't know and i don't care figure it out yourself

Is it safe to view a persons webcam even if you dont have a webcam of mine to show?

Sure but you if you do not know the other view at your own risk

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You don't.

How does a webcam function?

to see or to view one's image

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Why can't you view a webcam?

If you can not view your webcam, it may be because its software drivers are not properly installed. You can check their status/re-install them using Windows Device Manager.

How can you view your friends webcam without her permission?

Hide in her closet..

View webcam without permission?

yes but i dnt know

Do you have a right to view someones video of you?

yes you do! definitely

What is team viewer for?

it is used to view someones PC

When you do webcam games can the creator view what you did or see your pictures?

No what you see and what you interact in the game by using your webcam shall only be seen by you unless there is a spyware in it.

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