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if you have allot of them it can

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Q: Does icons on screen slow your computer?
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What is the page called that displays icons when you turn the computer on?

The page that displays the icons when you turn your computer on is called your home screen. Some people do call it the main screen as well.

Miniature version of of a graphic image on computer screen?


what is desktop?

It has many icons placed on it . It is the front page of the computer.This,^^,is partly right. The desktop is the screen your computer opens up to when you turn your computer on. It usually has a lot of icons. It is the homepage of your computer.

Is icons the small images on your computer?

Yes, the small boxes on your PC's screen.

What is the Desktop Screen?

What your icons are displayed on when you first start up.

What are the things you see on the screen of the computer system to know that booting process is complete?


Characters on a screen are measured in?

The main unit of measure on a computer is pixels. Most icons on a computer are 16x16 pixels by default.

Where is desktop on a laptop?

The main screen of laptop where you can see icons like my computer, my documents is desktop

Where is the desktop located on the computer?

The area with the screen saver and all of those little icons is the desktop.

What icons did the first computers have?

They didn't have icons, they had a blank screen with a flashing cursor. There was no such thing as a Windows type interface. You would type in commands to tell the computer what to do.

Meaning of standard toolbar?

A standard toolbar is the bar that has the icons on the computer screen. It is below the menu bar with the icons for things including print, save, and home.

Computer icon names and its function?

Icons display text as a picture so they are able to fit on the screen and you can quickly see what each thing is. When you hover over them usually some text appears explaining what it means. Icons also add colour.