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Best Buy does offer one kind of portable computer keyboards. The keyboard is made by the Matias brand, and is foldable for easy carrying and storage. They make a model compatible with PC's, as well as one that can be used with Macs.

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Q: Does bestbuy have portable computer keyboards?
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Related questions

Which computer keyboards are the most portable?

The Microsoft Portable Keyboard is considered to be one of the best.

Are portable computer keyboards a good investment?

Portable computer keyboards can be expensive and would only be a good investment if it is something that you use on a regular basis. Many business people would benefit from portable keyboards because it would decrease the time they would need to spend at their computers. But the better option would probably be to buy a laptop.

Where can you buy the portable computer keyboards?

You can buy a portable computer keyboard from almost any electronics store such as Best Buy, Office depot, Staples, etc. You can also order one from most oneline computer stores.

Who has the best prices on portable keyboards?

Casio makes really good portable keyboards. They are also reasonably priced. You can get good deals on Casio keyboards almost anywhere, Amazon in particular.

What was the consumer view of portable keyboards and home organs?

According to U.S. Industry and Trade Outlook '99, consumers perceived portable keyboards as low quality and home organs as old-fashioned.

Does BestBuy carry portable VHS players?

It does not appear, from the Best Buy website, that they carry portable vhs players.

Why would you need a portable computer keyboard?

A portable computer keyboard provides an excellent additional guide for many users, especially those with new gadgets such as tablets. Since tablets such as those as the IPAD, do not enable typing capabilities that are of those considered the "norm". Portable keyboards enable a more user-friendly capability that tablets would not provide.

Can you please give me the two names of computer keyboards?

there are the QWERTY keyboards and the AZERTY keyboards (hope this is what you meant)

Where is used keyboards?


What is the keyboarding?

The skills of keyboards. Using keyboards in other words.

What type of plastic are computer keyboards made from?

computer keyboards are made from ABS (Acrylo-nitrile-butadiene-styrene) plastic

What are the advantages of a portable keyboard?

Portable keyboards offer many advantages. The ability to carry them from practice to venue makes them an ideal instrument for musicians who travel or play in live performances. Portable keyboards are generally more affordable than pianos or larger instruments. Their size also makes them ideal for small spaces.