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Q: Does a pet female fancy mouse make a good pet?
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Related questions

Can you put fancy mice on your shoulder?

u can do but make shur u no where the mouse is @ all times so it dose not fall

Can fancy mice swim?

yes i put my fancy mouse in a bucket of water and it swan just make sure its not too cold or theres alot of water but dont put requalr mice in water

How do you make a fancy dinner?

Find a good recipe book or a friend who is a good cook.

What will happen if you keep a male mouse with a female gerbil?

Well, maybe it'll make a merbil?

How do you make a fancy mouse fight?

If You Want To Fancy Mice To Fight Each Other Don't Evan Go There ! I Have Two Male Fancy Mice And They Have Started To Fight But I Don't Know Why ! One Mouse Is Stronger Than The Other And Has Bitten Loads Of Layers Of Skin Of The Other Mouse ! It Bleeds Really Badly And YOu Then Have To Start Taking It To The Vets Because It Will Proberbly Get Infected Or Dap It Waith Salty Water Every Night ! And Also The MOUse That Loses Just One Argument Or Little Scrap Will Proberbly Be In Severe Pain And Will Proberbly End UP Dying In The End ! Soo DOn't Make Them Fight ! It NOt Nice On The Weaker One !

What magazine has the best ideas for fancy dresses?

Nordstrom and Ann Taylor make good magazines for ideas for fancy dresses. There are also many websites that have fancy dress ideas, like Hubpages, eHow, and Ezinearticles.

Who does Moray Fraser fancy?

I have it on good authority Moray Fraser likes to make love to Chinchillas

How do you make female feels sex good?

You do make impossible right good. Cool Story, bro

Why do you need mouse pads?

The mouse pad is useful for both the trackball mouse and the optical mouse. When a trackball mouse is used, the mouse pad is a good surface for the ball to catch and roll on. When an optical mouse is used, the mouse pad provides a good non-reflective surface.

What do you do if a mouse is very skinny?

You feed it a good diet. Get special mouse food from a pet store, and make sure it is drinking. If it is still skinny, then it is sick. Snakes don't care if the mouse is skinny!

What is the difference between mice and fancy mice?

there are many different types of mice, the fancy mouse is just the domestic mouse that is generally a calmer mouse and makes a very gently pet that comes in many colors, compared to a "feeder" mouse which has been highly inbred and has a shorter life span, some people do still keep them as pets because they don't want them to become snake food, as sad as it may be that's what they were bred for and are normally less cared for. hope that answered ur question!!

Should a pregnant female mouse be separated from her cage mates?

Yes we had a pregnant mouse who was in a cage with 7 other female mice, so we put her in her own cage. When she has her babies, she will make a nest for them so make sure there is plenty of bedding. If you do not separate them the baby mice might be at risk, although a pregnant mouse can be kept in the same cage. If her babies are in the cage with other mice, she might nip and bite the mice to protect her babies though