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No. The COUNT function counts only numeric values, including dates and times. It will not count cells with text or logical data or blank cells. COUNTA will count all kinds of data.

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Q: Does The COUNT function in Excel returns the number of all cells in a range that contain any type of data?
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Related questions

What is the name of the function that returns number of cells with numerical values?

The COUNT function.

What counts the number of cells in a range that contain numeric data?

The COUNT function will do that.

Does the NUMBER function return the number of cells in the range indentified in the argument contain data?

No. In Excel you would use the COUNT function to do it, or possibly the COUNTA or COUNTIF, depending on exactly what you were trying to do.

How many arguments does the COUNT IF function contain?

three parts

What is a name of the Excel function that returns number of cells which are not blank?

COUNTA(value1,value2,...) Value1, value2, ... are 1 to 30 arguments representing the values you want to count.

What function counts the number of cells within a range that meets the given condition?

The COUNTIF function in Excel counts the number of cells that meet a specific criterion within a range. You specify the range and the criteria, and it returns the count of cells that meet that condition.

What does the count function count?

The COUNT function will count all of the cells in a range that contain numbers. It will ignore blank cells and those containing text. The COUNTA function can be used to include cells that have text, but also excludes blank cells. So to count all the cells for A2 to A30 that have numbers in them, you would use the COUNT function like this: =COUNT(A2:A30)

What does the countblank function actually count?

Countblank function is a derivative of count function and it is doing a very simple task - countblank function counts the number of cells in the range with no data. Actually, if you'll add the results for count/a function and countblank function you'll get the total number of cells in the range (empty and not).

What is the function in Excel that will count the number of numeric entries in a table?

The COUNT function will do it. You just need to specify your table range. Say your table is from B2 to E16, then the function would be: =COUNT(B2:E16)

What is a good example of static?

int counter() { // This function returns how many times it has been called // Since this is a static variable, this line will only be called the first time the function is called static int count = 0; return(++count); }

What is a function to find the number of values in cells?

In Excel is it COUNT.

What function will count the number of numeric entries in a table field that pass a test?

The COUNTIF function.