Also you will need to enable Steam Guard and wait 15 days before you can trade.
To get premium you can do one of the following:
Buy a Steam Game
Fund your Steam Wallet
Redeem a Gift Code or Guest Pass
Activate a Steam Game
yes. But if only you didn't need Minecraft Premium account D:
To create a Steam account you need to go the the Steam Powered website and go to Create A New Account. There will be a form to fill out and you'll get an email with a verification link that you need to click.
No. Free to play members can obtain random weapons from drops, but cannot trade them.
You don't need to buy Skyrim from Steam, but it does need to be linked to your Steam account (by registering the serial code you should have got with the game).
You need a premium Minecraft account to play online with other people.
You need to buy the game from Once you buy it, it can take a few miniutes. Then your account is premium. Make sure you are logged in with your normal MC account.
because you need to buy a premium account of
You can't you need to buy one.
To Trade items on Amazon you need to have a Amazon account. After you have a account you need to fill out the trade in forms and you will receive a mailing label provided from Amazon that you can use to submit the trade. Once Amazon receives the trade they will credit your account for the trade.
You need a premium account to play the full version. If you don't have a premium account, you can only play Classic or a demo version.
No, once you purchased them you will have them after re-install process.Whatever you buy on your steam account stays with your steam account. You just need to log-in with your steam account and your dlc skins should be installed automatically to your computer.