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No, but you need a Windows operating system not mac OS or Linux as it's native to Windows. I'm almost certain it will run on Windows XP and vista aswell.

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Q: Do you need Windows 7 to download kodu?
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Where can you download Windows 7?

You can download Windows 7 from related links. Big download though!

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If you mean os, no you can download it on Windows, Mac, and Linux even (if anyone uses linux...) and if you mean web browser I think you may use any but might need java.

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For the download of Windows Live Messenger 7 you need Windows 7, Vista or XP operating system. These are the most common operating systems around at the moment.

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Do you mean upgrade to Windows 7 from Vista? Yes, without a doubt.

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The Windows 7 Release Candidate period is over.

Does Microsoft Outlook work with Windows 7?

Yes, you can use Windows Mail in Windows 7 but there are some things you need to do first to get it working.The Windows 7 Windows Mail program file is not active, so Windows Mail will not run from this file. So what you need to do is to delete the Windows Mail program file for Windows 7. And replace it with the Windows Vista Windows Mail program file.The Windows Mail program file in Windows 7 is locked, and if you try to delete the file, Windows won't let you do it. So you need to download Unlocker which unlocks and deletes any program file.Then simply delete the Windows Mail program file using Unlocker and empty the Recycle Bin.Then download and install the Windows Mail program file for Windows Vista.Or if you have a Windows Vista computer you can transfer the Windows Mail program file from your Windows Vista computer to your Windows 7 computer.Once you have got the Windows Mail program file from Windows Vista onto Windows 7,unzip and extract the files to Programs on C drive. And that's it. Windows Mail is installed and will now work on Windows 7.The download links are for Windows Mail.The first link is the Windows Mail zip installer file that will install Windows Mail on Windows 7.The second link is registry key to set Windows Mail as the default program on Windows 7. Windows Mail will then appear in the default programs menu along with your other Windows programs.And the third download link is the registry key to enable the Windows Mail splash screen if it becomes disabled.

How do you open Windows 7 God Mode?

You need to make a new folder on your computer to save the file to open Windows 7, GodMode. You can download the script for GodMod from the Microsoft forum.

Can you download Halo 2 for Windows 7?

you can download halo2 but not for windows7