

Do mice turn into bats

Updated: 12/10/2022
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14y ago

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No, no chance.

Just a myth.

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Q: Do mice turn into bats
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How are bats and mice the same?

Bats are totally different then mice! Mice crawl, bats fly! Get the hit?

Is it possible that bats eat mice?

Yes, some bats do eat mice

Are bats and mice mammals?

yes.Bats and mice are mammals

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Animals that commonly eat chicken eggs include raccoons, skunks, snakes, and some species of birds like crows and gulls. Insects, rodents, and even some domestic pets such as dogs may also prey on chicken eggs. Implementing protective measures such as securing nests, using predator-proof enclosures, and keeping surroundings clean can help prevent egg predation.

What do the witches want to turn the children into in 'The Witches'?

In 'The Witches' by Roald Dahl, the witches want to turn all the children in the world into mice. They view children as revolting and believe that turning them into mice will rid the world of their presence.

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How can you turn a fish tank into a cage for mice?

yes it is more warmer for mice and rats

How is the life cycle of bats and mice similar?

because it is

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yea but they turn into rats

What animals can vampires turn into?

They can turn into bats, owls, spiders and wolves

Are bats like mice?

Bats and mice are similar in that they are both small mammals, but they are distinct in terms of their evolutionary history, anatomy, behavior, and diet. Bats are flying mammals with wings, while mice are ground-dwelling rodents.

Why do scientists infer that bats are more related to mice?

Yes, they are, nand are not related to any type of bird. They are very much like mice.