No, theory of computation is purely in the realm of computer science theory. It deals with the fundamental computational ideas underpinning computer science. Some computer scientist never even fully learn the subject. As a hacker, unless a very good one, who wants to delve more into computer science, there is no requirement to learn it.
a computer is what?? it is simply a machine made of hardware??but why we need computer....the answer is we need computer to perform computation on a specific this computation will occur in the computer is defined by a set of rules understand these rules ,we need to study theory of computation.... theory drives practice and practice drives make efficient machines for computation tasks we need to study theory of computation.
In simple words to learn any natural language like ENGLISH, HINDI,FRENCH.... firstly we need to learn the vocabulary and grammar of that language. That means we have to learn how the language is actually specified. In the same way programming languages(formal languages) like C,C++, JAVA.... has their own vocabulary and grammar and such grammar is specified with the help of mathematical model that is called as Theory of Computation.
Whole number computation is 90% of decimal computation. The difference is that you need to understand where to put the decimal point in the answer. It's impossible to do decimal computation without knowing how to do whole number computation.
We'll need a choice here.
A need to calculate, or to solve mathematical problems by crunching numbers or by computation.
you can take a free course on but you will have to pay $14.99 first you will have to learn the theory of how CPR works. You might want to practice on manikins to perfect the technique.
need for greater computation speed & reliability than human computers were capable of.
As you do not seem to understand why you need to use superposition theory in the first place your Lecturer should be able to find out were you got lost and help you learn all you need to learn
hackers hack everything that there is to hack, from facebook, to this webpage, hackers can hack anything they want to, it just takes time... so people that hack stuff have no life...
Unfortunately you will always have to worry about hackers. Faxing via email is a great idea and it is just as safe. You just need to use a trusted service that will help protect you against the hackers.
I need grounded theory for radio content
The only instrument that uses the Alto Clef is the Viola these days. But on Grade 3 piano theory you need to learn the Alto Clef.